Local Governance

Devolution of decision making to communities has to be a core element of creating more coordinated and locally connected systems of governance.

What is Local Governance?

Local Governance is about having greater control over the things that should sit closest to our communities and is in most daily interactions across culture, housing, transport, education, health, environment, planning, food etc. The community sector in Scotland has a vital role to play in influencing how we realise a new system of local democracy.

The Local Governance Review was launched in 2017 to enable Scotland’s diverse communities have in say in how they would like more control and influence over decisions that affect them most.  As part of Democracy Matters 2, SCA hosted a Local Governance and Democracy workshop with delegates of the Scottish Rural and Islands Parliament and supported our member networks to participate in the ‘deep dive’ sessions happening across the country. Across the third and public sector in Scotland communities’ views were gathered and submitted to inform the development of local governance.

Our priorities are to:


work in partnership with our members, Scottish Government and key stakeholders to support the next phase of action in delivering democracy matters


ensure the community sector remains an equal partner in shaping how powers and resources are devolved to local communities


actively contribute to key discussions which influence and positively impact the key issues facing communities

Why is it one of our priorities?

Democracy Matters phase 1 and 2 consultation and engagement exercises demonstrated a clear appetite for a form of modern democracy in Scotland which would enable communities to have far greater control over the future of the places they live. When power of decision making is brought closer to communities, community wealth can be built from the bottom up and support the transition to a wellbeing economy.

What is currently happening?

The Scottish Government Programme for Government 2024-25 details how they will work to conclude the Local Governance Review by the end of the Parliamentary session, including developing single authority models with local government and health partners to strengthen local decision making.

Further Reading

Democracy Matters phase 2: analysis of responses – gov.scot

Programme for Government 2024-25: Serving Scotland – gov.scot