About Us

Formed in 2010, from an informal gathering of networks under the term Local People Leading, Scottish Community Alliance has grown to a membership of 28 community led national networks and intermediaries each representing an area of specialist knowledge.

We work collectively to:

  • support a more cohesive community sector which actively engages, influences and directs national and local policy
  • build awareness and understanding of the role and contribution of the community sector across national and local government and the wider third, public and private sectors
  • create opportunities for deeper collaboration across sectors to maximise collective contributions

In 2023, we launched Our Vision for Scotland which describes the conditions we believe are necessary for communities to thrive and contribute to a more sustainable Scotland.

We also published a Manifesto for Action in 2023, with over 80 recommendations for action by national and local government that would support the delivery of Our Vision for Scotland.

Our Vision

A stronger and more resilient community sector in Scotland

Our Mission

To raise the profile of the community sector, create opportunities for collaboration and influence national and local policy which strengthens and empowers communities

Our Principles

  • Subsidiarity
  • Self Determination
  • Local by default
  • Equality and Fairness

Our Accounts

Our recently published accounts for 2023-2024.