Case Studies

Regenerative farming network

Visited four different farms run by a farmer in Propagates Regenerative Farmer Network.

one person standing in woodland, speaking, with their arms gesturing

There was a spread of farmers, size of farm, farming background, regenerative practice, time in the network, gender and age.

Learning Outcomes

  • Learn more detail of how the Regenerative farming Network was set up, how it runs and resources that are needed to maintain it
  • Meet with farmer involved in the RFN to hear their experience of being part of the network
  • Glean inspiration, contact and advice from those involved in the RFN to inform how we can best set up a successful RegenAg peer support network in the Highlands.

“The big takeaway is the importance of the network being open to all interested in regenerative farming, and from the start building a non-judgemental culture. It was clear that part of the success is making sure the network is farmer-led… letting it develop organically rather than a predetermined plan put on the mentors.”