
Working at the joins

August 23, 2022

Back in the day when staffing levels at the Scottish Government were more generous, as part of their efforts to deliver more joined up government, some posts were created in the Third Sector division whose sole remit appeared to be to work at the ‘joins’ that lie between different departments so as to develop better understanding and joint working across all that complexity. Our sector has its own highly complex ecosystem, with multiple national and regional networks and intermediaries, all working to support communities. SCA is now recruiting a new role to work at these ‘joins’.


Author: SCA

For more information – here


This is a senior role that will require the postholder to work across the community sector’s national networks and intermediaries, building a strong collaborative culture and developing a more joined up approach to the task of supporting effective community action. Additionally, a key focus of this role is to develop closer working relationships between Scotland’s community based national networks and intermediaries and the wider ecosystem of support for the Third Sector that has emerged in recent years.


  • Work closely with leaders across national networks and intermediaries to build levels of trust and cooperation across the sector
  • Identify opportunities for joint working and the sharing of resources and expertise between national networks and intermediaries
  • To foster the development of a shared understanding of, and increased engagement by national networks and intermediaries within relevant areas of Scottish Government policy.
  • Help to identify and build new partnerships within the sector and with other public and private sector stakeholders that complement and enhance the work of the national community based networks and intermediaries
  • Foster a deeper level of mutual understanding and effective collaboration between the national and the regional sources of support for communities.
  • Identify, develop and manage as required resources that can be shared across national and regional intermediaries and that facilitate the transfer of knowledge and skills across the sector.

Application notes

To apply please send CV and letter of application to

Closing date 9th September