
Who owns it?

October 12, 2021

When the National Performance Framework was launched every self-respecting civil servant would have a copy of the ‘flower’ within line of sight of their desk. The Scottish Government was widely praised for publishing such a public record of what progress was being made towards high level outcomes and our national purpose. But NPF was always intended as a truly ‘national’ framework - not just for Government or the public sector but for all parts of Scottish society to take ownership of. Do you feel that sense of ownership? Do you use it?  To their credit, the NPF team wants to know.


Author: Scottish Government

Improving the National Performance Framework

Our current National Performance Framework (NPF), launched in 2018, was developed in collaboration with all parts of society: public and private sectors, local government, voluntary organisations, businesses and communities and had cross party support in the Scottish Parliament. At the time, the First Minister said “the new NPF belongs to all of Scotland and together we can fulfil the promise contained in it.” As we have sought to deliver, measure and improve the NPF in the years since, we have benefited from the perspectives of many individuals and organisations across Scotland. As part of that continuous improvement programme we have two asks of you right now. 

Firstly, we need you to tell us how you currently use the National Performance Framework (or don’t). And to tell us what could make it more useful. Our short survey will be open until 27th October. Let us know what you think, it’ll take no more than 10 minutes. 

And we need to hear from as many people and organisations as possible, so our second ask is that you share the survey amongst your networks. If you have organisational newsletters or social media accounts, we would appreciate you promoting the survey via those channels (we can provide some promotional text, send us an email and we’ll get that to you).There’s also a blog post with a bit more background if you’re able to share that, and we’re @ScotGovOutcomes on Twitter if want to retweet us!

In addition to informing our continuous improvement programme, your responses will also help us think about the questions we need to ask during the next NPF review, which we’re beginning to plan.

Thank you.

Scottish Government National Performance Framework Unit