What can be salvaged?
January 24, 2018
<p>To date, the Brexit debate has stayed with the chunky issues of trade, freedom of movement and so on. But just below the surface lies a myriad of interconnectivity between European institutions of all shapes and sizes. Connections between local government and civil society in this country are mirrored right across Europe and over time hugely significant relationships have evolved. <a href="http://www.alda-europe.eu/newSite/secretary-general.php">ALDA</a> is a pan-European organisation that is dedicated to promoting these links. How can this rich seam of European social capital be salvaged post-Brexit? ALDA's Secretary General, Antonella Valmorbida will be addressing a meeting in Edinburgh next month. </p> <p class="MsoNormal"> </p>
Author: Assist Social Capital
Scotland in Europe post Brexit
On 23 June 2016 the UK as a whole voted to leave Europe. The disconnect is scheduled to take place at 11pm UK time on Friday 29 March, 2019. In Scotland the mood was pro-remain and this very much remains a live issue. We hear a lot about the impact a hard Brexit will have on the economy, but what about the impact on our relationship with partners in the EU or the challenges facing the estimated 181,000 EU nationals in Scotland?
We believe that post-Brexit Scotland and UK must continue to collaborate with our neighbours on the continent come what may. For this reason we are hosting an event in partnership with ALDA (European Association for Local Democracy) on 8th of February in Edinburgh to explore future collaboration in a Europe Post-Brexit.
The event will look at how networks such as ALDA’s (250 members across the whole of Europe), might help maintain relationships that have already been established within Europe over the years and even to bridge new ones.
ALDA’s work is based on decentralised cooperation. This involves a multi-stakeholder approach focusing on strong partnerships between Local Authorities and civil society organisations, creating a positive synergy and ensuring common goals are reached successfully. This approach fits closely with ASC’s focus on building networks of trust to achieve mutually beneficial outcomes. Keynote speaker at the event will be Antonella Valmorbida, ALDA’s Secretary General.
The event will take place in Edinburgh at Challenges Worldwide, a Scottish social enterprise with multiple international connections.
This event is for anyone interested in participatory democracy and collaboration between local communities and the public sector in Scotland and the UK, in a post-Brexit Europe.
For details of this event and how to book your place – click here