Time to make views known
February 27, 2013
<p>The Scottish Community Alliance’s event at the Scottish Parliament on April 26th – The Future is Local – is being sponsored by the Parliament’s Local Government and Regeneration Committee. The timing of our event coincides with the Committee's decision to undertake an enquiry into the Government’s regeneration strategy - with a particular focus upon community empowerment. A call for written evidence closes 15/3/13. Short questions on policy, practice and partnership working. Something there for everyone.</p> <p>27/02/13</p>
Delivery of Regeneration in Scotland inquiry – Call for Written Evidence
The Committee is currently seeking evidence from interested parties on the Scottish Government‟s Regeneration Strategy.
The Scottish Government‟s regeneration strategy “Achieving a Sustainable Future‟ was published on 12 December 2011. The Local Government and Regeneration Committee, following its consideration of regeneration aspects of the Scottish Government Draft Budget 2013-14, have agreed to build on this scrutiny and undertake a detailed inquiry on the area of regeneration policy, with a focus upon community empowerment. The remit for the inquiry is:
“To identify and examine best practice and limitations in relation to the delivery of regeneration in Scotland‟.
Themes of interest
Set out below are themes on which the Committee is seeking your views. This is intended to be an open information gathering exercise. The questions set out below are intended to be a guide only. Please feel free to give us your views on any of these themes.
Strategy and Policy Issues
1. How can the linkage between the various strategies and policies related to regeneration be improved?
2. Can physical, social and economic regeneration really be separate entities? The Committee would find it useful to hear about projects distinctly focussed on one or more aspects, and the direct and indirect outcomes of such activity.
3. Are we achieving the best value from investment in this area? If not, how could funding achieve the maximum impact? Could the funding available be used in different ways to support regeneration?
Partnership Working
4. What delivery mechanisms, co-ordination of, and information on the funding that supports regeneration are required, to facilitate access by all sections of the community?
5. Should funding be focussed on start up or running costs? What is the correct balance between revenue and capital funding? Please indicate reasons for your views
6. How can it be ensured that regeneration projects are sustainable in the long term?
Practical Issues
7. What actions could the Scottish Governments forthcoming community capacity building programme include to best support communities to „do regeneration‟ themselves?
8. What role should CPPs play in supporting the community in regenerating their communities?
9. How can CPPs best empower local communities to deliver regeneration? Please provide any examples of best practice or limitations experienced that you think the Committee would find useful in its scrutiny.
10. How can the outcomes of regeneration truly be captured and measured? What are the barriers to capturing outcomes and how should the success of regeneration investment be determined?
How to submit written evidence
You may wish to respond to some or all of the specific questions set out above. Alternatively, you may wish to highlight issues that you consider to be of concern in relation to local Government and Regeneration. Evidence should be reasonably brief and typewritten (normally no more than six to eight sides of A4 in total).
The deadline for receipt of written submissions is 6pm on Friday 15 March 2013.
The Committee prefers to receive written submissions electronically. These should be sent to lgr.committee@scottish.parliament.uk
You may also make hard copy written submissions to:
Clerk to the Local Government and Regeneration Committee
Room T3.60
Scottish Parliament
Edinburgh EH99 1SP