
Take One Action go local

July 29, 2015

<p>Take One Action is the film festival that promotes community action on the big global issues of the day. Since starting out in Edinburgh in 2008, Take One Action has expanded its presence to other cities.&nbsp; And because its aims are to promote local action, their latest initiative makes perfect sense &ndash; Take One Action Local. It&rsquo;s an invitation to any community group to organise their own hyper-local Take One Action Festival - bringing new insights and inspiration to their community. Lots of help is on offer. They just need <a href=";id=a5f1f75d9e&amp;e=307ee52863">an expression of interest</a> by 14/8/15.</p> <p class="MsoNormal">&nbsp;</p>



“Want to change the world but not sure where to start? This festival will rouse you into action.” The Guardian

“Take One Action bring together the most acclaimed, globally conscious movies of the year” New Internationalist

“Take One Action brings to light stories from across the planet which – like South Africa’s injustices, courage and beauty – were once hidden.”Archbishop Desmond Tutu

Take One Action is a Scottish charity whose aims are to empower communities, mitigate social inequality and promote environmental sustainability. We use the vehicle of world-class, high profile cinema events – spotlighting issues of social and environmental change – to empower thousands of attendees to influence and change the behaviours and systems that can lead to a fairer and more sustainable world. Among other activities, we organise the UK’s leading global citizens’ film festival each year.

Take One Action celebrates the people and movies that are changing the world, from Argyll to Zimbabwe. We believe that small actions lead to big ones, and that we all make a difference.


Do you want to inspire people wherever you live, work or play in Scotland (including yourself)? Do you love film, and have a heart for a better world?

Then apply now to run a Take One Action Local in your community, and we’ll bring you to our festivals in Edinburgh, Glasgow, Aberdeen or Inverness (see dates below) to:

•          find out all you need to know about running a Local

•          meet other practical dreamers like you

•          watch films you could soon be showing closer to home.

Applications take the form of submitting an expression of interest form by email. Together we’ll go from there. 2015 deadline: Fri 14 August.


What we do:

•          Offer your Local 6+ licences/year from our catalogue of world-class films;

•          Provide tools and training, and network you with other organisers at one of our own festivals;

•          Set you up as part of our online family.

What you do:

•          Share our values: To empower people to find their own perspectives and actions around a range of social-change issues;

•          Gather a co-ordinating group – ideally people with diverse social-change interests;

•          Get creative!


Take One Action distributes films that bring the world to our doorsteps, without the carbon footprint…

World-class documentaries, drama and shorts on a range of social change issues that inspire, that encourage self-reflection and have the potential to change lives – when audiences crerate and find out about local opportunities to make a difference.

Our Locals Film Catalogue already includes some 25+ titles, with many more to be added in the coming months.

By supporting film through the Locals programme you also ensure that the filmmakers who struggle to share amazing untold stories get paid for their work, so they can continue to inspire change around the world.