
Take back control

November 17, 2020

On 1st January, we’re leaving the EU. Hundreds of agreements and provisions that have been the basis of our relationship with the EU - that all need to be untangled in the very near future. Westminster has established a funding mechanism called the UK Shared Prosperity Fund which will replace the soon to disappear EU Structural Funds that have underpinned countless community initiatives over the years. Down south, a coalition of third sector intermediaries has come together to demand that they take control of the Shared Prosperity Fund. Is anything of a similar nature happening in Scotland?  SCVO?    


Author: Locality

The Communities in Charge campaign is a coalition of local people, community groups, businesses and national organisations calling for communities to be put directly in charge of the government’s post-Brexit fund for economic regeneration.

To help put communities in charge, we’re calling for:

  • Resources to be made available to the people and places which need it most
  • Local people to scrutinise all spending decisions through a dramatic increase in accountability, including citizen panels
  • At least a quarter of the fund to go directly to local people to invest in their own priorities for the economy

Our report outlines the key policy detail of our proposal and the evidence that sits behind our case for putting Communities in Charge.

Download the Communities in Charge Report (.pdf)