
Stranraer fights back

August 23, 2017

<p>The far south west of Scotland is a beautiful part of the country but suffers from being off the main tourist trail. In the past the ferry service to Northern Ireland sailed out of Stranraer, ensuring a steady stream of traffic passing through the town.&nbsp; But when the ferry terminal moved up the coast to Cairnryan, the town became even more isolated. Despite its difficulties, civic pride remains strong and Stranraer Development Trust is confident it can become a major tourist destination. Launching the first ever Stranraer Oyster Festival next month is just the start.</p> <p class="MsoNormal">&nbsp;</p>


Author: Stranraer Development Trust

We devised the Stranraer Oyster Festival to celebrate not only the famous Loch Ryan oysters (Scotland’s only wild, native oyster bed) but also all other local produce.

The first Festival will take place in September 2017 and is particularly timely as 2017 is the celebration year of 400 years of Stranraer being a Royal Burgh and be the perfect inaugural year for the event.

Until now the town has not been in a position to explore the full potential of our wonderful native Loch Ryan oysters. At present oyster are sent around the world but the connection with Stranraer is not recognised. The festival provides the opportunity to make this connection, increase visitor numbers to the town and support the local economy. Although our oysters are at the very heart of the festival, we will also be featuring all sorts of other seafood as well as local produce of many kinds, including food, drink, arts and craft work, in a specially created Festival Market.

In common with established oyster festivals in other parts of the world, placing the unique native Loch Ryan oysters at the heart of our festival, enables us to create and original new community focused event in celebration of this wonderful natural resource.  The Stranraer Oyster Festival has huge potential in terms of promoting increased awareness of our unique coastal heritage and all that we have to offer the visitor as well as those who perhaps who are considering moving to live and work in the area.

The Festival has evolved following years of discussion by various groups and organisations in and around Stranraer.  We are delighted that this significant event is finally coming to fruition.

For tickets and full details of all events, activities, festival market, skiff regatta, children’s activities etc. visit the Festival website