
Put yourself on the map

April 24, 2013

<p>Many local projects concentrate all their efforts and resources on improving the quality of their day to day service on the assumption that if it&rsquo;s good &lsquo;the people will come&rsquo;. &nbsp; Marketing and promoting themselves effectively can sometimes be forgotten. A great reminder of how valuable getting your message out there can be comes from Pilton in Edinburgh where all the local food related projects have collaborated to produce a virtual food map.</p> <p>24/04/13</p>



Put yourself on the map

To view Pilton Food Map click here

CHEX Network member, Pilton Community Health Project has developed a really useful online community food map that visually displays information about local community food projects in the Greater Pilton area

Pilton Community Health Project developed the food map to make it easier to find out more about local food projects. The projects have also formed the Food for Thought Forum, which hosts the map and meets regularly to discuss and plan how to deliver good food activities in the Greater Pilton area. The map makes use of Google Maps to show the location of more than twenty community food projects in the area. It allows you to display projects by the type of activity, and by clicking on each entry you can access more information such as times and contact details for each project. By clicking the ‘talk to us’ tab at the bottom of the map you can contact Pilton directly and request that your own activity in the area is added to the map.