Peace of Mind
October 25, 2019
In the last edition I raised the issue of how and where investment in social care should be directed. Clearly there is no silver bullet that will resolve a crisis that is already crippling the system, but a step in the right direction has to be to build the resilience and resources of community based services. But local networks that have the capacity to respond to the needs of potential users of a service are unlikely to emerge spontaneously. They need to be nurtured and developed to fit local needs. Could the answer lie with encouraging more projects like this?
Author: SPAEN and Respite Now C.I.C.
The Peace of Mind programme aims to cultivate communities and nurture natural networks.
It seek to support and assist people with disabilities, long-term illness or other life limiting health conditions to think about what they would like to do and how this would make them happier and better connected with their local community. Then we go about helping you to make it happen.
Finding Support and Making Friends
The Peace of Mind programme can help to find Personal Assistants and other SDS users in an area with share interests and who want to do the same things.
This could be going to the local swimming baths; attending a local football match; taking part in local interest groups such as arts & crafts, gymnastics or other activities.
Pooling Budgets
Because it involves doing things with other people who share the same interests, cost of paid support can be shared across the whole group, making it possible to do more of the things that people like and that matter to them.
The Peace of Mind programme will provide SDS users with important guidance and support in developing employment contracts; managing the “pooled” budget; thinking about staying safe while taking part in activities and getting proper group insurance in place.
Read more about Peace of Mind programme