
Mapping local democracy

January 14, 2015

<p>Any debate about the future of local democracy inevitably turns to the plight of Scotland&rsquo;s community councils. Hamstrung by a lack of powers and even fewer resources, thousands of community councillors nonetheless continue to commit their time and energy to what remains our most local level of representative democracy. It&rsquo;s estimated that approximately 1,200 community councils are in operation today. Someone in Scottish Government has done a fine job of pulling together a web based national picture of what&rsquo;s on the ground.</p> <p>14/1/15</p>


Author: Scottish Government

 A map of where Scotland’s community councils are located

Click here for the web based map

This map doesn’t reflect the geographic boundaries of each community council. If this is what you are looking for, this PDF is a map of community council boundaries click here