
Leveson and the community press

June 5, 2013

<p>One of the unintended consequences of the Leveson Enquiry into press ethics and in particular investigative journalism, has been its impact on local newspapers. Nearly half of all editors of the local press believe Leveson has damaged their papers&rsquo; relationship with readers.&nbsp; This comes at a bad time for the community press with record numbers of titles closing or merging. A new initiative by Cooperative UK and Carnegie UK Trust aims to reverse this trend, but only if communities assert themselves and take control.</p> <p>5/06/13</p>


Local media isn’t dying. It’s just being badly cared for, and won’t recover unless communities take action themselves. Come to one of our 2 workshops in Scotland and learn how communities are taking control of their local media, and finding it’s more sustainable, accountable and relevant than ever before, and how you can do the same where you live.

As ever more local newspapers close and titles merge, more and more communities are left without a local media outlet, feeding a sense that local media is undergoing a slow but inevitable death. But there are examples across the British Isles, the US and elsewhere that tell a different story.

Co-operatives UK and Carnegie UK Trust have joined together to organise a series of meetings across the UK showcasing these alternatives.  By attending these free events we hope you will be inspired and stimulated to take action to save your local media.  This is your opportunity to make local media work as a sustainable business and help to protect our democracy through local accountability.
To book for the Glasgow event click here

Who should attend?
Anyone with a passion or interest in the role of local media and news and an interest in finding out about co-operative and community ownership.
How to book?
Events are free and places are limited and available on a first come first serve basis from the links above.