
Garrion People’s Housing Cooperative get BIG reward for hard work

May 20, 2009

<p>Gowkthrapple in Wishaw is one of the 5% most disadvantaged communities in Scotland.&nbsp; With persistently high unemployment over many years , the community has not had its problems to seek.&nbsp; Garrion People&rsquo;s Housing Cooperative has worked long and hard both to improve the quality of housing for residents and to build community spirit.&nbsp; Their vision for a new multi purpose community hub took a giant leap forward recently when they were awarded &pound;835,000 from the Big Lottery Fund</p>


BIG award for Gowkthrapple

Garrion People’s Housing Cooperative (GPHC) in Gowkthrapple have been awarded £835,000 from the Big Lottery Fund’s growing Community Assets programme.The funding will be used to build a new £2.6 million Community Hub in the heart of Gowkthrapple in Wishaw.

Gowkthrapple is among the top 5% of deprived areas in Scotland and suffers from high unemployment.

The Community Hub is an important part of Gowkthrapples Masterplan which was developed by North Lanarkshire Council in partnership with Scottish Enterprise Lanarkshire.The Scottish Government, Garrion People’s Housing Cooperative and the local community and aims to deliver a vibrant, sustainability community.

The Community Hub will be the centre of community activity and will offer meeting rooms, where advice on financial, employment and health matters will be available to residents of Gowkthrapple. The Hub will also have a café, convenience store and a pharmacy may also be provided. The Hub will be a venue for social and activity groups for all ages.

David Cooper Chairperson for GPHC said ‘The Management Committee are delighted that we have been awarded this funding from the Big Lottery Fund. The Hub will become the heart of the community and will be an excellent meeting point for the residents of Gowkthrapple’

John Mulholland Director of GPHC said ‘The Community Hub will be owned and managed by GPHC and is key to the wider regeneration of the Gowkthrapple estate. GPHC have been working in partnership with North Lanarkshire Council and Collective architecture to prepare designs for the Community Hub which will be a local landmark for the area.