Final Briefing
April 24, 2024
When I wrote the first edition of Local People Leading, I never imagined I’d still be doing it as I came to retirement but that is indeed what’s happened. And with all that needs to be done to ensure I leave a relatively orderly ship for my successor, Elizabeth Docherty, I’ve decided to make this my last.
I’ve not kept count but a quick tally suggests this might be the 370th edition. And so, because it’s something of a team effort, a few thanks are due. To Jon Hollingdale who proof-reads it, often very late on a Tuesday evening, and never fails to find something out of place. To my wife, Trisha, for letting every second weekend be slightly less free of work than it should have been. To those of you who send me interesting items for inclusion. And finally to everyone for taking the time to read it and even, on occasion, commenting on its content. The plan is to pause for a while and then, once Elizabeth has settled in, for something else, perhaps a little different, to take its place. Over the years, I’ve come to enjoy the process of writing this newsletter. I’ll miss it.