
DTAS handed key role on community assets

May 31, 2011

<p>Few details as yet on what the new Scottish Government&rsquo;s Community Empowerment and Renewal Bill will look to cover. Two things we know for sure. One is that there will be a big focus on helping communities to acquire and develop assets. The other is that Development Trusts Association Scotland will play a key role in helping to make this happen. DTAS has received significant funding to develop a new service &ndash; Community Ownership Support Service (COSS)</p>


Following the success of the 2-year Promoting Asset Transfer programme, the Scottish Government continues to recognise asset ownership as being key to community empowerment, and is committed to supporting DTAS’ role in advancing this important agenda. DTAS has therefore received further funding from the Scottish Government to establish a Community Ownership Support Service (COSS). This will enable us to take forward work with both local authorities and community groups to explore and advance effective transfer of local authority assets to community ownership.
Through its team of advisers the COSS can offer Scotland-wide support and advice to both local authorities and community groups including:
For Communities:
• Expert advice  on all aspects of asset transfer
• Training courses on the asset transfer and asset development process
• Sign-posting to other support agencies
• A comprehensive web resource including information on good practice, toolkits and case studies.
Communities will also be able to link into DTAS’ network to explore the wide range of business models being adopted by other communities throughout Scotland and across the UK.
For Local Authorities:
A bespoke advice and support service focussed on community asset transfer which could:
• Assist Council staff in developing or revising the asset transfer strategy for your authority.  This could take the form of discussion, workshops, resources, study visits, and good practice examples.
• Provide an independent review of an authority’s current policy and practice on asset transfer, identifying priority areas for development.
• Provide training sessions with elected members and/or council staff (key officials or cross departmental) to explore various strategic, operational and practical aspects of asset transfer.
• Provide bespoke training for community organisations within your local authority area to build their capacity to explore and take forward ownership of local assets.
For more information or to discuss how we could help you contact the Community Ownership Support Service (COSS) on 0131 225 2080 or email