Community Pioneers
March 30, 2021
In recent years as new forms of media have become more widely accessible and affordable to the sector, we have become much more effective at ‘telling our story’. But in addition to sharing the many tales of community achievement through film and other artistic mediums, there’s another aspect of this work that remains largely unexplored. And that is the story of the individuals who sit behind these achievements. Each one different but each adding their own separate ingredient to the alchemy of community success. These pioneers all have interesting tales to tell.
Author: Chris Smith
This podcast is all about the people working in and for their communities all over Scotland. Sharing stories, experiences and insights, you will hear authentic voices as they describe their journeys.
Following lots of chats and after a wide consultation with people in and around ‘’community”, I have decided to embark on a new podcast; Community Pioneers Podcast. The basic premise is long form interviews with interesting people in communities. The idea is together we can unpack ideas and experience in a format where we are not struggling to get a sound bite or a plug for an organisation. The conversation and the ideas are the thing. Importantly, I want to talk to people in the community for the wider community. I would like them to talk about their experience versus feeling they are an official representative.
In this agile new world where everything is virtual, the recording will be via Zoom and the audio distributed via Apple, Amazon Google and the usual podcast channel. At the moment, the podcast is all self funded and I want to steer clear of politics and constitutional issues. However, I am sure the topics of climate change, innovation, community engagement, and personal experience will feature as a wide range of guests appear. It will be a learning experience all around; part oral history and part knowledge transfer. Most of all, I hope it’s a good listen.
If you’d like to join the list of community pioneers contact Chris at