
Coasts and Waters

December 17, 2019

We’re going to be hearing a lot more about Scotland’s coastline, islands and waterways in 2020 - the official Year of Scotland’s Coasts and Waters. In recent years, a growing number of coastal communities have been working together to safeguard their marine environment and to lobby for more protections. To give a flavour of who they are, Coastal Communities Network produced a short film to introduce themselves.  But as anyone who has stood in front of a camera knows, things don't always go to plan. In true festive spirit, the Network has shared their Christmas special bloopers edition too.


Author: Kerri Whiteside

At Fauna & Flora International (FFI) we strongly believe that the people best placed to protect biodiversity – and the resources it provides – are those who live closest to it. That’s why we put particular emphasis on supporting in-country organisations and investing in their capacity for conservation. Our work with coastal communities is no exception. Read on