
Will you challenge poverty?

October 25, 2019

The poverty that we see on our streets isn’t easy to reconcile with the knowledge that we are also one of the wealthiest countries in the world. Given the fact that every day we see people begging on the streets, queuing at foodbanks and experiencing homelessness, is there a risk we become inured to the extent of poverty? Each year, in an effort to shine a light on what’s happening on our streets, the Poverty Alliance coordinate a programme of activities during a week in October to Challenge Poverty.  Could your community help to challenge poverty?


Author: Poverty Alliance

Ready to challenge poverty?  Challenge Poverty Week 2019

Challenge Poverty Week has been coordinated by the Poverty Alliance for the last seven years, and it is an opportunity to highlight what is being done to address poverty, showcase the solutions we can all get behind to solve it, and commit to more action in the future. The Week takes place from the 7th to the 13th October 2019.

Last year nearly 200 actions were delivered by 130 organisations, elected representatives and individuals as part of Challenge Poverty Week.

Why not take part?

You can get involved in Challenge Poverty Week by organising an activity or supporting it on the media and social media. You can, for example:

  • Write a blog, make a video or talk to the media about the solutions to poverty
  • Organise a themed discussion
  • Have an open day at your organisation
  • Speak to a local politician about what needs to be done

You can find an activity toolkit here:

Key messages

The key messages for this year’s Challenge Poverty Week are:

Challenge Poverty in Scotland?  Aye, we can!

  • Too many people in Scotland are trapped in the grip of poverty
  • By boosting people’s incomes and reducing the cost of living we can solve poverty
  • Solving poverty is about ensuring we can all participate in a just and compassionate society

How can we help you?

The Poverty Alliance will give all the support we can to help you participate in the Week. This support will include:

  • Provide an activity toolkit to help you get involved. Ask Campaigns Officer Irene for a copy:
  • Promote your activity or content through local media, social media and our event calendar
  • Give individualised advice. (Email Irene at
  • Provide social media graphics, media templates, lesson plans and petition letters