
Where to next for CCF?

March 6, 2019

<p>Last week, for the first time in two years, Westminster debated climate change. This was in the same week that we experienced the hottest February since records began &ndash; a fact which most of our media reported as something to be &lsquo;welcomed&rsquo;. Despite the scientific predictions of looming disaster, climate change appears to remain a side show. The Scottish Government&rsquo;s Climate Challenge Fund, currently the only public investment in community-based action on climate, is currently under review. Over 10 years, more than 1000 groups have received this funding. That&rsquo;s a lot of knowledge and experience to feed into this important review.</p>


Author: Keep Scotland Beautiful

The survey consists of a variety of yes or no questions as well as free-text boxes which provide an opportunity to share your comments. If you are responding as part of a group, the questions outlined below provide you with an indication of what the survey will ask you. To go straight to the survey click here

The core purpose of the CCF is: ‘’We want to ensure that communities in Scotland are informed, prepared and able to make the move to low carbon living’.

1. Is this purpose still relevant?

a. If no, what would you suggest the purpose becomes?


To be eligible for funding, projects must meet four criteria: community-led, carbon reduction,

sustainable legacy, and climate literacy.

2. To what extent do you believe these are the most appropriate criteria for assessing eligibility

for funding?


As the CCF currently requires all projects to be community-led, organisations that cover multiple

communities across a broader local or regional area are not currently eligible for funding.

3. In addition to maintaining individual community project grants, how would you feel about a

proportion of the funding being used to support strategic or networking projects?


Groups in receipt of CCF funding are currently required to deliver a measurable reduction in carbon emissions in their community

4. How useful do you think it is for CCF groups to calculate and report carbon emissions



Groups who receive funding, receive support from the CCF administrators (currently KSB).

5. How do you feel about the support provided by the CCF administrators?

a. What improvements could be made to the support offered to groups?

Additional comments

6. In your experience, what aspects of the CCF are currently working well?

7. What other changes or improvements would you make to the CCF going forward?