
Where to for human rights

October 3, 2018

<p>On a daily basis, everything about Brexit becomes more uncertain - pity help the civil servants drafting contingency plans for each of the options. The layers of complexity involved are mind-boggling. One of these layers, which seems fundamentally linked to many others, is the place of human rights. If some of the Brexiteers have their way, the current European legislation on human rights will be dispensed with. Scottish Government have invited an expert Advisory Group to come up with recommendations that would safeguard and even enhance human rights in Scotland. They&rsquo;d like to hear your views.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>


Author: SCDC

Have your say about the future of human rights in Scotland.

Share your views in this online survey now >>

Last year, First Minister Nicola Sturgeon set up an independent Advisory Group to develop a series of recommendations and actions around human rights in Scotland – and you can have your say with this online survey.

Human rights are a vital part of a just and equal society. They give you a set of rights and freedoms regardless of where you are from, how old you are, what you believe, or how you choose to live your life.

How your human rights are affected by governments and other bodies is becoming increasingly important, with the Advisory Group making recommendations on how we can protect our existing rights and examine how Scotland can go further in demonstrating human rights leadership.

The Advisory Group want to hear your views and feedback on their developing recommendations and how they can be made as effective as possible in improving the lives of people and communities.  

Share your views >>

The survey will be open until 11th October.