
Whatever the question is

April 23, 2014

<p class="MsoNormal">In the run up to this summer&rsquo;s Commonwealth Games, the International Association for Community Development is hosting a conference &ndash; Community is the Answer. The organisers have pulled together a really impressive <a href="">programme of speakers</a> to introduce the three big themes &ndash; Health, Wealth and Power. It&rsquo;s a <a href="">three day</a> affair. Expensive if you want to get along for the whole thing but Joseph Rowantree Foundation and Education Scotland have committed some funds to encourage folk who couldn&rsquo;t otherwise afford it. First come first served.</p> <p class="MsoNormal">23/4/14</p>


Author: IACD

Community is the Answer 

Financial support for UK participants announced. See copy of the programme here

We are delighted to announce that Education Scotland and the Joseph Rowntree Foundation have confirmed some funding to enable people living and working in the United Kingdom who would otherwise not be able to do so (such as unwaged or low-income volunteers) to attend the conference. Subsidised places are limited and will be allocated on a first-come first-served basis. For more information, contact us: