
Time to walk the walk

November 7, 2012

<p>It&rsquo;s relatively easy to talk the talk of the local food movement and to agree with the arguments for being more aware of what we eat and where it comes from. But it&rsquo;s not so easy to walk the walk, especially when the path of least resistance leads directly to the door of the nearest supermarket. &nbsp;This coming Saturday, there&rsquo;s a chance to strengthen that resolve to eat more local food. It&rsquo;s that Fife Diet lot again.</p> <p>07/11/12</p>



Saturday 10 November, Kinghorn, Fife – free event, open to all (booking required)

How do we make it easier to eat locally? Come help shape your local food system. Our annual members’ meeting this year focuses on the practical:  how to help connect consumers and producers.

In the morning we have some inspiring speakers to give a ‘big picture’ of food problems and solutions, then in the afternoon we get down to nitty-gritty making some real changes happen. Sign up now to avoid disappointment.

 We’re pleased to be offering a child care facility for kids from ages 3-12 again. Please register to avoid disappointment.


The morning session will inspire ideas for change. Drawing on the focus of our New Food Manifesto [see here] we are asking several leading figures to help us explore these topics by looking at issues around low carbon food, education and culture, health and wellbeing and innovation and enterprise.

Land and Food: How do we get the Right to Grow? Author and campaigner Andy Wightman is Scotland’s leading Land Rights activist & Kat VandenBerg has been leading large-scale urban growing projects with the incredible Sow and Grow Everywhere project (SAGE)

Food Education and Regional Mapping: Eve Keepax (Eco Schools) designs and teaches what thousands of Scottish children learn about food and the environment in sc hool, Dougie Watson (Farmers Markets Scotland) has been thinking through how we radicalise, reshape and maximise Farmers Markets.

Innovation and Enterprise:  We have the wonderful Kate Bull specially from London from  The Peoples Supermarket and the equally wonderful Laura Stewart (Soil Association)


Our focus this year is about connecting consumer and producers. So we’ve invited a range of local food providers you can buy your lunch from (including Wild Rover, Steamie Bakehouse, Doorstep Bakery and others), allowing members to meet them and try their produce. 


How to Set Up a Food Co-op practical advice and ideas on how to do it. Save money and club together with collective buying power

Meet the Producer face to face discussion with the people who grow your food. What do you love and what do you need more of from your veg box/farm shop/local producer? Come and meet Pittormie Fruit Farm, Puddledub, Chillicious, Pllars of Hercules and others. 

Being the Change  food and carbon reduction – where are we making a difference? How can we have a bigger impact? Come get geeky with us

Wild Food Walk with Mark Williams, of Galloway Wild Foods. Come explore the free food on your doorstep with Scotland’s foremost wild food expert


What are we feeding our kids at school? Robin Gourlay has pioneered sustainable school meals in East Ayrshire and is now looking across Scotland to do the same

YOUR FIFE DIET: What Fife Diet will look like in 2020?

The Scottish Government has the ambitious target to reduce Scotland’s green house gases emissions by 42% by 2020. This will not be possible if we do not radically change the way we consume and produce our food. 

This is an interactive session led by Jamie Thoms to help us visualising our work to build a more sustainable food system and the steps we need to take to achieve this.What’s missing from your local food diet? What would you like to see grown, reared or fished here that’s not currently? 


To help with planning we need to know who’s coming! The whole event is free – you just need to buy your own lunch. We will be unable to accept people for the conference on the day if they have not reserved a space. 


We will have a supervised play and activity area for children age 3 and over – Kids Club. Places are FREE but STRICTLY LIMITED and so you must book a place in advance. The sessions will coincide with the scheduled events. There will be no supervised childcare over the lunch time & children will return to parents during this and other breaks in the programme. When you book a kids place we assume it is for the whole day.