
The revolution will be hand delivered

September 26, 2012

<p> <p>Crofting communities aside, the community right to buy is only of use when a landowner decides to sell. &nbsp;This leaves communities with little scope for manoeuvre when faced with recalcitrant landowners. Or perhaps not. &nbsp; Working on the principle of &ldquo;if you can&rsquo;t beat &lsquo;em, join &lsquo;em&rdquo;, a campaign is to be launched tomorrow which will shake things up in the weeks and months ahead.</p> <p>26/09/12</p> </p>


Apologies for the lack of details. It’s the disadvantage of having a fixed publishing date for Local People Leading – every second Wednesday. 

Details of the campaign are embargoed until 01.00 tomorrow, Thursday 27th September. 

A website containing full details of the campaign will go live at that time.