
The difference is in the planning

October 24, 2012

<p>There is an emerging view, particularly south of the border, that the distinction between social enterprise and the rest of the business world is an artificial one and is holding back the sector&rsquo;s development. The late John Pearce would have argued long and hard against such a proposition. John&rsquo;s &nbsp;former colleagues have published a timely Guide to Social Enterprise Planning which reaffirms the values and principles that ran through John&rsquo;s work. &nbsp;Proceeds go to the Social Enterprise Collection where John&rsquo;s extensive library is now being archived.</p> <p>24/10/12</p>


Social enterprises do not need business plans, they need social enterprise plans which demonstrate how their social purpose will be achieved, how they will be environmentally responsible and how they will achieve financial sustainability. The business plan as traditionally understood addresses only a small portion of the needs of a social enterprise.” John Pearce, Social Enterprise in Anytown

JUST the Business has written a Guide to Social Enterprise Planning.  The Guide has been tailored to suit the business planning needs of social enterprises and links the process involved in planning with the structure of a social enterprise plan.

This Guide can be bought for £15.  The income earned from the sale of the Guide (minus a small administration charge) will be donated to the Social Enterprise Collection (Scotland) fund which was started with archive donations from John Pearce and is currently housed at the Glasgow Caledonian University library.

To buy a copy, click here.