
Stitched map

January 11, 2017

<p>In this throw away age, the skills of sewing and darning to prolong the life of odd bits of clothing may be something of a lost art but stitching can still come in very handy as a means of bringing a community together. Most notably the recent high profile tapestry projects conceived by public artist<a href=""> Andrew Crummy </a>which drew together stitchers from communities across Scotland. More recently, the folk of Shapinsay, inspired by Glasgow artist Dierdre Nelson have been honing their stitching skills to produce a map of their island.</p> <p class="MsoNormal">&nbsp;</p>


Author: Shapinsay Development Trust

‘Sew Shapinsay’

 is all about a community project to sew a map of our island which came about via the creation of a new community facility and with expert input from Dierdre Nelson – mostly though, it’s arisen from the energy and drive within Shapinsay.

Watch this short movie created by Lynne Collinson to describe the project as part of her work with Shapinsay Development Trust