
Sporting chance

April 22, 2014

<p>It is hard to overstate the power of sport to rejuvenate lives and regenerate communities. At one end of the spectrum we see the impact that the largest supporter owned <a href="">football club</a> in the UK has had on an entire city, and at the other end, thousands of community owned sports clubs around the country who, in the words of <a href="">Beith Community Development Trust </a>&nbsp;&lsquo;believe the health, wealth and happiness of our community lies within our own power.&rsquo; Legacy 2014 is a new fund to keep this grass roots momentum going.</p> <p class="MsoNormal"><span>23/4/14</span></p>


Author: Senscot

Legacy 2014: Sustainable Sport for Communities Fund is a £1millon fund which will help communities to be able to realise their ambitions of owning and running their own sports facilities.

The initial package of support available will focus on clubs and organisations delivering sport and physical activity in their community who wish to:

•             take on ownership and operation of existing local facilities

•             build and operate new facilities

•             make better use of current facilities through capital improvements

In addition, applicants must also be seeking to make a wider difference in their community through their work. Making a difference in areas including health and well-being, employment and education are key aims of the Scottish Government’s legacy ambitions in addition to a primary aim of getting more people active.

Clubs and organisations will initially be invited to apply for a package of support up to a maximum of £25,000 to cover the cost of investigating and progressing their ideas. This could include technical support  such as architect and design fees, feasibility studies, community engagement, legal and financial support, mentoring support and assistance with organisational development.

The Legacy 2014 Sustainable Sport for Communities Fund is made up of an investment  of £500,000 from the Scottish Government under the Legacy 2014 programme and £500,000 from The Robertson Trust.

The closing date for expressions of interest is 23rd May 2014.

Expression of Interest Form (word doc)

Programme Overview and Application Guidlines (pdf)

Alternatively, you can contact one of the following discuss the fund:

•             Andrew Millson, Chief Development Officer, Social Investment  Scotland, email: or call 07747 274 207

•             Linda Macdonald, Project Officer, The Robertson Trust, email: or call 0141 353 7300