On yer bike
October 23, 2013
<p>In the last edition of Local People Leading, we highlighted some of the benefits for <a href="/on-the-ground/back-briefings/1732/">small towns</a> of becoming known for something – anything so long as it sticks in the mind, attracts positive media attention, and draws people in. It also helps if you can come up with an idea that has a momentum of its own (literally). Anyone guess where Scotland’s first Bike Town is going to be?</p> <p>23/10/13</p>
Kenny Smith, Rutherglen Reformer, 2/10/13
Ambitious plans to turn Cambuslang into a cycling hub in the west of Scotland have been revealed.
Cambuslang Community Council’s meeting last month saw an impressive proposal put before the members, which would involve the town becoming a key part of the cycling network in the area.
Chairman Iain McKenzie said: “Before we broke up for the summer recess, I asked for suggestions for ways we could make a difference to the regeneration of Cambuslang, by way of a sort of Chairman’s Challenge.”
One proposal which was put forward came from Cambuslang man John Bachtler, a professor with Strathclyde University who specialises in regional and local economic development and works throughout Europe.
John said: “The Chairman’s Challenge was an incentive to set out some ideas. One possible project that has real potential is a cycle project. We have got two national cycle routes to the north and south of Cambuslang, but there are no links to these routes and no network. If you want to cycle to school or to the shops, there are virtually no on or off-road cycle paths.”
“Earlier this year it was announced that Healthy ‘n’ Happy Development Trust had launched an initiative to make Cambuslang and Rutherglen a Bike Town. They held a number of meetings to set priorities and the Cambuslang Cycling Project could be one of the initial projects. The idea is to create an ‘active travel hub’, ideally close to the Clyde cycle path, which would be a centre for people to drop in, get their bikes repaired, or take it down for a service if it’s been sitting for years in their garage, as well as having a bike exchange for young people to swap their bikes as they get older.”
“It could also be a base for a cycle training officer to organise cycle events in the area, and start working with Sustrans to map possible cycle routes, to connect with the national cycling routes, and link up with local schools, shops, churches, major employers and so on. We need to encourage people to cycle more but we also need to provide safer routes for them to get around”.
John presented an impressive three-page pitch for the project to those attending the meeting.
It states: “Cambuslang has major potential for getting more people to cycle, in particular because it is bounded by two national cycle routes, one of which leads directly into the centre of Glasgow.
“However, the potential is not being realised because of poor infrastructure links and facilities and low demand. Increasing the number of people who cycle for commuting and leisure purposes would have major health and environmental benefits. Providing better cycling facilities and links in the town would also contribute to economic and environmental regeneration.”
The document then lists potential events which could run in the area, including a 5k cycle race for children between Cambuslang and Newton or between Cambuslang and Rutherglen (Sir Chris Hoy Velodrome), longer races for adults, a professionals’ uphill cycle race to the Cathkin Braes, cycle afternoons for families and pensioner groups.
John then provided a list of potential partners with whom the community council could work, including South Lanarkshire Council, Healthy ‘n’ Happy Community Development Trust, Cycling Scotland, Bikeability Scotland, Scottish Cycling, Paths for All, Sustrans, the Bike Station, Spokes, and the Scottish Government.
Cambuslang Community Council has agreed to set up a group to develop the idea and will be looking to involve cyclists, cycling groups or anyone with an interest in improving cycling in the area.
Chairman Iain McKenzie said: “We are keen to encourage people to get in touch and help get this project off the ground.”
Jane Churchill of the Healthy ‘n’ Happy Community Development Trust said: “We are very supportive of this excellent idea, which will be one of the first projects of the Rutherglen-Cambuslang Bike Town Initiative. Our recent survey of opinion in Cambuslang and Rutherglen showed that the majority of people would be willing to cycle much more if there were better facilities, safer roads and more cycle training available.”
“We look forward to working with Cambuslang Community Council, as well as other community organisations and local people, to bring about real improvements for cycling in the area and making a contribution to improving the quality of life of many local people.”
Labour councillor for Cambuslang West Richard Tullett attended the community council meeting.
He said: “Promoting exercise and reducing car usage can go hand in hand and I was very interested in the ideas which were put forward at the last meeting of Cambuslang Community Council and as recently as last Friday, was having discussions about this very issue.
“I have sought to arrange a meeting so that the proposals can be looked at in more detail and I will certainly be keen to follow this issue very closely indeed.”