
New fund, old strategy

May 15, 2019

<p>Big funding news for communities last week came with the launch of Scottish Government&rsquo;s new, streamlined &pound;11.5m Investing in Communities Fund. The headline news is that communities can now seek multi-year funding - &pound;250k over 3 years. These funds are very welcome but it&rsquo;s worth noting that they are informed by a government strategy that predates both the Community Empowerment Act and recent land reform legislation. The policy landscape has moved on significantly since the <span class="MsoHyperlink"><a href="">Regeneration Strategy</a></span> was published in 2011 and at the very least, this strategy could do with a refresh &ndash; ideally co-produced with the sector.</p>


Author: SCDC

Are you a community organisation working across Scotland in and with disadvantaged communities? If so, this will be of interest.

This week, the Scottish Government launched the new Investing in Communities Fund with grants of up to £250k available for over 3 years.

The £11.5 million Fund is a new streamlined communities fund to tackle disadvantage, poverty and inequality that encourages community-led development, design and delivery of sustainable local solutions addressing local issues, circumstances and aspirations across a broad range of community led activity.

You can find more information by visiting the Empowering Communities Programme webpage here and download guidance, help notes and the application form here.

If you have any questions regarding this guidance and/or the application process you can contact the Investing in Communities Fund Team by email at:

This fund is informed by Scottish Government’s Regeneration Strategy published in 2011