
Meet my hood

September 20, 2017

<p>Caf&eacute;babel is the first pan-Europe participatory magazine. It&rsquo;s produced by a network of 1,500 young volunteer writers, translators and film makers. One of its features is &lsquo;Meet My Hood&rsquo; which introduces off-the-beaten-track communities within some of Europe&rsquo;s great cities. Neighbourhoods you wouldn&rsquo;t necessarily know to visit, certainly won&rsquo;t find in the guidebooks but are clearly much loved by their writers. Looking down the list, not one British city is featured. Given so many young Scots voted to remain in Europe, here&rsquo;s one way at least for them to stay connected - or just to discover some great European neighbourhoods.&nbsp;</p> <p class="MsoNormal">&nbsp;</p>


Author: Cafebabel


Let’s be honest, you aren’t really that familiar with most European cities. Even if EasyJet does let us have a look around, the 48 hours we spend on our city breaks consist of overpriced coffee and endless Google-mapping. Meet My Hood is here to help you discover new European cities, thanks to the people who live there. The best places to eat, drink, or visit, as well as all the clichés and quirks that make the neighbourhood special: MMH will make sure there are no secrets left undiscovered.

Meet My Hood : Wedding, Berlin

What was once a working-class neighbourhood called ‘Red Wedding’ is now a booming and culturally diverse area. Compared to other Berlin neighbourhoods, Wedding is relatively untouched by gentrification, making it one of the city’s most authentic areas. The true spirit of Berlin is still alive here. Here’s why, in a nutshell.

Meet my Hood :Chapitre, Marseille

In the heart of France’s Phocean city, the Place des Réformés and its surroundings have played host to many loquacious people. But to understand the history of Chapitre, it helps to read between the lines…

Meet My Hood: Stuttgard – Ost

Stuttgart-Ost isn’t cool yet, but when it is in a few years time then you will have already heard about it here. On a superficial level, this neighbourhood is seen as simultaneously bland and edgy. But those who look closely will find nice bars, fascinating brick houses, and a whole host of curiosities: from the observatory to the “Kolonie Ostheim” to a pug statue.


And many more at Meet My Hood at Cafébabel