
Making sense of the clutter

August 23, 2022

Next month sees the launch of Climate Week which is part of the Scottish Government’s Let’s Do Net Zero campaign which in turn is part of the commitment for Scotland to be carbon neutral by 2045.  And that’s just one of many campaigns and initiatives designed to tackle the climate crisis - some being driven by the Scottish Government, others by civil society. And so, in the interests of helping the average citizen make sense of this fast growing ‘ tackle the climate crisis’ clutter, it would help to have some proper coordination across the piece. Not easy - but important nonetheless.  


Author: Scottish Government

You can learn more about the campaign for Climate Week via

How You Can Get Involved

The details below and in the campaign toolkit attached provide ideas as to how your organisation can get involved during Climate Week.

Key ideas include hosting your own Climate Week events with support from our event asset pack, engaging staff, members and stakeholders with one of our Climate Change quizzes, or simply shouting about the importance of tackling climate change via social media using hashtag #ScotClimateWeek.

Further details on how you could get involved are listed below:

  • Share Climate Week’s key messages on your social media channels, across newsletters and on your webpages
  • Showcase and share the actions your organisation is taking around climate change
  • Select and share social media assets across your channels, and remember to use hashtag #ScotClimateWeek
  • Follow the Let’s Do Net Zero Twitter and Facebook pages and share/ retweet content to your channels from there
  • Run Climate Week events within your organisations using the Climate Conversation Pack . There are a number of assets available to support and promote your events, including evites, posters, social media and online assets.
  • Share one or more of the online quizzes with your contacts to help inform them of the impacts of climate change.

All campaign resources can be viewed and downloaded via the Campaign Resource Centre here.