
Making Places

October 4, 2017

<p>It looks almost certain that the forthcoming Planning Bill will include some kind of new community right to plan. But what that actually means and how much status will be accorded to these local place plans is very much an open question. There&rsquo;s already a lot of this kind of activity underway and there&rsquo;s a need to ensure consistency of approach across the country. New funding from Scottish Government for this work is to be welcomed but we need to make sure it is joined up and in line with what&rsquo;s already happening elsewhere.</p> <p class="MsoNormal">&nbsp;</p>


Author: Scottish Government

People to have say in the design of their area.

Communities across Scotland can bid to take part in a new £325,000 scheme to regenerate their neighbourhood, Local Government Minister Kevin Stewart has announced.

The Making Places Initiative will help bring communities together to agree improvements for their area based on local need and priorities.

The expanded scheme has grown from the success of a previous Charette programme which teamed local people with design professionals to look at what would improve their places and communities.

This new initiative will continue to offer support for events of this type alongside more comprehensive support to deliver on these ideas.

Minister for Local Government Kevin Stewart said:

“From the Borders to the Western Isles, the people who live, work and socialise in our communities have the best local knowledge to consider how that place should evolve and regenerate and I would encourage people across the country to consider applying.

“This new Making Places Initiative allows more opportunities for communities to choose what works for them. It takes the success we’ve seen through community collaboration and increases the focus on encouraging and enabling more and more people to become involved.”

Making Places prospectus click here


Making Places Application Form click here