
It’s how you ask

April 3, 2019

<p>If your council put a flier through your letterbox explaining that because of the budget cuts there would be no more street cleaning but that litter-pickers and black bin bags would be provided for any willing helpers, the response might be somewhat less than positive. But that&rsquo;s not to say that communities are necessarily always averse to picking up the slack when times are hard for councils. Perhaps it comes down to how the request for help is made or how a sense of collective responsibility can be engendered. Whatever it is, Aberdeenshire Council seems to have it.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>


Author: Press and Journal

Scores of volunteers have signed up to help ensure Aberdeenshire’s roads and pavements are safe as the wintry weather continues. 

The authority is regularly criticised during spells of severe weather for failing to clear side roads and paths. 

However roads bosses maintain they need to prioritise main roads and do not have the resources to grit and clear every single area. 

In an effort to ease frustration and deal with the problem, Aberdeenshire Council launched a snow warden scheme which gives communities access to a range of resources from grit spreaders to full protective equipment.

As of this month, there are now 27 groups operating in the region, which amounts to 72 volunteers.

But the authority has issued a fresh appeal for more wardens, with the scheme running until April. 

Applications are taken throughout the year for the initiative. 

Last year, the region endured one of the worst winters in recent memory, with the council forced to go £2million over budget to treat the roads and pavements.

Roads bosses came under fire after towns and villages were left impassable after the traditional surface treatment was left redundant by thawing conditions, rainfall and freezing temperatures overnight.

This year the authority has already used about 23,300 tonnes of salt to treat surfaces since October, with a further 15,000 tonnes in stock and more than 7,000 expected to be delivered this month.

The council has also been trialling a new app which shows people where gritters are in real time and what routes have been dealt with.

The programme is currently only available on phones and tablets as My Aberdeenshire, but is likely to be made available on their website in the future. 

There are 32 “primary routes” with 100 council drivers covering these, there have also been 120 farmers and 32 plough contractors on the roads to clear the snow in recent weeks.

For more information on the snow warden scheme visit