
Hyper-local newsroom

October 18, 2022

For some reason Govanhill just seems to be a melting pot of community activism and innovation.  Despite the not inconsiderable challenges that the community has to contend with, there’s a confidence about the place that’s almost palpable. Whatever its secret is, community journalism and in particular an award winning community magazine Greater Govanhill plays a big part. Latest excitement is the opening of The Community Newsroom - a hyperlocal media hub in collaboration with investigative journalism outlet, The Ferret. As always with these things, it’s been launched on a wing and a prayer and a crowdfunder!  


Author: Greater Govanhill

We believe in doing journalism differently. We want to do journalism that serves the community and brings about positive change. A huge part of that is being open, approachable and inclusive. 

That’s why we’re excited to open ‘The Community Newsroom’ right in the heart of Govanhill. The project is a collaboration between Greater Govanhill community magazine and investigative journalism outlet, The Ferret – whose Glasgow staff will share our newsroom while the organisation continues its work across Scotland. This will be the first ever office space for both partners. 

It’s in a prime location, just off Victoria Road in the Southside of Glasgow. It will allow us to have a space that we can collaboratively work, host events, workshops and drop-in sessions for members of the community who want to share their own stories. 

We see it as a hub for community building and a space for sharing of stories, ideas, and perspectives. It will be an innovative space for hyperlocal, community based journalism to collaborate with rigorous investigative journalism; not seen anywhere else in the country. Our first collaborative project, exploring solutions to health inequalities, is already underway.

But we need your help with start up costs to get it up and running. If we could raise £5000 that would mean we can make it more accessible, redecorate, get a sign painted and kit it out with all it needs to be the community media hub we envision.

We know, of course, that money is tight this winter and realise that not everyone has pounds to spare. You can help by 

  • Sharing this Crowdfunder
  • Donating furniture, house plants or decorations
  • Lending skills/helping out with renovations

If we do reach our target, we hope to hold a launch event in November, and you’re all invited! We have always been bowled over by the support of our community and thank any in advance for any contribution they make.