
How to stay safe

May 19, 2020

As we skirt around fellow pedestrians, accept lengthy queues at supermarkets and try to work out whether face masks actually do any good, there is a sense that we are slowly adjusting to a new set of behaviours that could be with us for some time. In similar fashion, the guidance on safe working practices has (all too slowly) worked its way through from front line hospital staff, to care homes and now, the welfare of many other key workers at risk of infection is beginning to receive attention. Important guidance just published for community groups and volunteer networks.


Author: SCDC

Supporting Communities Safely: Advice for community groups, organisations and volunteer networks

A new resource has been published to support community organisations to carry out their vital work safely during the Covid-19 outbreak.

This free, online resource, developed by SCDC and Public Health Scotland, features a range of practical information and advice, such as: 

  • How to safely promote an organisation’s services
  • Keeping volunteers safe and fit to provide services
  • How to get help with complex care needs
  • Safely collecting and delivering items
  • How to cook and transport hot meals

In towns and villages across Scotland, community organisations and volunteers are fighting COVID 19 and this resource is designed to help them do this as safely as possible.

Whether groups are starting up, or taking stock of an existing service, following this advice reduces risks of indirect transmission of the virus on packaging or other forms of contact when we support people in their homes.

The advice helps those providing services to think how they could break the chains of potential infection from the store to the door.

Mick Doyle, Head of Programme at SCDC, said: 

“Community groups are feeding and providing social support for thousands of households in some form of isolation because of the virus or the economic hardship it has caused. Most have never done anything like this before. We think this resource will help people think through the issues and provide practical advice to make what they do as safe as possible as the crisis continues.”

Communities and public services working together to make social distancing and self-isolation work is key to how Scotland can beat this crisis, and a great example of vital partnership working.

Bill Gray, Organisational Lead for Community Development at Public Health Scotland said:

“This new resource provides up to date and accurate information that will help volunteers, community groups and networks to continue to deliver vital support in the safest way possible.  The resource is a timely example of what can be achieved when national bodies and local organisations work together.”

Groups will be encouraged to raise questions and shape the advice in future.

View the resource here and contact Communications Manager for further information.