
Historic assets

March 7, 2018

<p>For over 220 years, it has commanded the community&rsquo;s skyline but in recent years the Carluke High Mill has fallen into serious disrepair and is now at risk of total collapse. It&rsquo;s also one of Scotland&rsquo;s most significant A-listed buildings and has long been an iconic landmark for the locals. What might look like little more than an ancient tower of crumbling stone has been recognised by the local development trust as a vital community asset that sits at the heart of their plans to breathe new life into their village.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>


Author: Carluke Development Trust

A South Lanarkshire community with plans to purchase the site of a historic 18th century windmill, and breathe new life into the local area, is one of eight across the country sharing in £1.2 m of Scottish Land Fund cash.

Carluke Development Trust (CDT) receives £278,000 to bring into community ownership the High Mill site next to Carluke town centre. The site includes the A-listed High Mill, which is the most complete windmill of its type in existence in Scotland, and a former market garden extending to 1.2 acres.

As Tom Sneddon, Chair of Carluke Development Trust explains, the group will use its award to purchase the site and turn it into a community growing space that will provide new training, employment and volunteering opportunities:

“We are absolutely thrilled to receive this crucial financial support from the Scottish Land Fund, allowing CDT, on behalf of the communities of Carluke, to take ownership of the land and the buildings of the Carluke High Mill. The work has only just begun and we will now embark on the journey of creating a new community garden and growing space which will become a focal point for educational, training and volunteering activities within Carluke. This will also be a significant catalyst for the future development of Carluke’s town centre and of Carluke itself.”

Carluke Development Trust is one of eight groups across Scotland sharing in £1.2 million. Speaking today while visiting Bannockburn House, another historic building brought into community ownership with Scottish Land Fund cash back in December 2017, Minister, Cabinet Secretary for Land Reform Roseanna Cunningham said of today’s grants: “I’m delighted to see the Scottish Land Fund making these awards which will help us progress towards our goal of expanding community ownership and control of key local assets. Each project will make its own distinctive contribution to the quality of life in the local community, bringing people together and creating opportunities for employment, recreation and volunteering. The Scottish Government will continue to promote community land ownership and work to ensure that land in Scotland delivers benefits for everyone.”