Have a peek at the Sanday Sealcam
November 6, 2013
<p class="MsoNormal">Human life has existed on the Orkney island of Sanday for over 5000 years so it’s no surprise that the island’s archaeology is major draw for tourists. One of the other attractions that the island has to offer is its abundance of wildlife – and in particular its seal population. The local development trust employs a ranger to help bring the islands natural heritage to the attention of tourists and locals alike. Latest wheeze is the Sanday Sealcam. Take a peek at those seal pups.</p> <p class="MsoNormal">06/11/13 </p>
The Sanday Development Trust’s ‘sealcam’ is back online for the autumn grey seal breeding season.
The trust says that following last year’s success they managed to secure the support to get their cameras operational and online again to capture all the action from two Sanday beaches used by grey seals to pup.
After working in conjunction with their ranger Roderick Thorne and Triscom Enterprises last year, the Sanday Development Trust say they received emails from six different continents around the world last year.
‘Sealcam’ can be accessed here.