
Funding local place design

June 27, 2018

<p>There are no end of opportunities for communities to be consulted on proposals that will ultimately change the look and layout of their place. The extent to which local opinions ever actually shape the final plans is less clear. The Planning Bill is placing great store by the prospect of communities developing their own Local Place Plans. Whether these will carry any weight when push comes to shoving the planners and developers is another matter. Causey Development Trust, in Edinburgh&rsquo;s south side, have taken advantage of generous support from&nbsp;<a href="">Sustrans&nbsp;</a>to rethink a crucial aspect of their public realm.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>


Author: Causey Development Trust

To watch a video explaining how the Causey have taken advantage of Sustrans funds – click here

Please let me know if you have any questions or if there’s a potential share our info through other platforms that you’re involved with, then it’d be great to learn more.

The Causey: vibrant, colourful, a place for people at the heart of the community, playing host to an array of engaging and uplifting arts and community events, rooted in history and community, recreating the buzz of this historically significant meeting place. A beautiful inspiring space, enabling people to create new stories for this authentic quarter bordering Edinburgh’s World Heritage Site.

The Causey Development Trust is working at grassroots level to transform a neglected, car-dominated cityscape into a vibrant, people-friendly place that celebrates the history and spirit of the Southside of Edinburgh.

Our aims

·         To create a distinctive city landmark at the edge of the World Heritage Site, drawing visitors beyond its boundary and connecting other key public spaces such as Holyrood Park and The Meadows, that will become an asset to the Southside of the city of Edinburgh.

·         To create an uplifting and inspiring community space that can play host to a wide variety of arts and community events, including farmers’ markets, community celebrations and art installations, and provide outreach space for the nearby Southside Community Centre and other local partners.

·         To complement and enhance the evolving university quarter by creating an accessible urban place, using high-quality design and sustainable materials, acknowledging the beneficial effect of good design in creating a sense of well-being.

·         To celebrate the heritage of this overlooked yet historically significant part of the Southside, providing an engaging learning experience that draws in visitors, increases footfall in and around the area and brings together the diverse local community.

·         To promote positive health and well-being through active travel by prioritising walking and cycling, and by creating opportunities for neighbourliness and community partnership.