Emergency response
March 12, 2024
Capitalism is essentially Darwinian. It’s survival of the fittest and few tears are ever shed for the business that goes under. In truth though, however much some would like to pretend otherwise, the vast majority of our sector doesn’t fit that mould. Trading income may be critical but it is the social purpose and the asset lock which sets us apart. And in these challenging economic conditions, some of Scotland’s intermediaries have increasingly found themselves supporting those who are struggling - and even on occasion, mounting a full scale rescue. If your organisation is in trouble, help is at hand.
Author: Community Enterprise
The perfect storm of covid, Brexit, funding constraints and severe cost increases are putting exceptional pressure on the community, third and social enterprise sectors in Scotland. An increasing number of organisations are finding themselves in highly challenging circumstances. This can range from financial viability to governance and organisational dynamics.
Scotland has a well-supported eco-system of support but we know that it can be hard to find and access that support when groups are stressed about the future. The support that exists must be easy to find and simple to access, especially for those in crisis. To address this four key agencies, (Scottish Community Alliance, Development Trust Association Scotland CEIS and Community Enterprise) have come together to collaborate on providing that support.
A new Crisis Recovery button has been added to the social enterprise support map which can be accessed here https://sesupportmap.scot/recovery/. This will lead to a very quick “request for support” form which will be assessed within 24 hours and a support package put in place.
Crucially this is not a new service or programme. It is a smarter, quicker and more collaborative way to access the eco-system of support that already exists. Please spread the word to organisations who need support at a challenging time.