Call for Action
December 3, 2019
Last week, a sell out conference in Edinburgh considered the vexed question of what communities should do in response to the climate emergency. The tone for the day was set with a call to action from Esther Silverton, a 16 year old youth climate striker, who spoke with real passion as she pointed the finger of responsibility at her audience. This Communities Call for Action was launched during the conference and communities everywhere are encouraged to sign. Most of the day was spent considering what action communities might take. This recent publication from CRNS provides a few pointers.
Author: Michael Cook, CRNS
This report highlights how community resources organisations are providing important local responses to the urgent climate emergency. In addition to the obvious environmental benefits of their work, CRNS members are also bringing valuable social, economic and community benefits too. Put simply CRNS are caring for Planet, People, Pounds and Place. We are also pleased to share four videos each of which spotlights the great work a CRNS member is doing to care for Planet, People, Pounds and Place (thanks to Scottish Community Alliance and Zero Waste Scotland who supported this work).