
Better not to ask

December 13, 2017

<p><span>Some parts of the third sector, such as community transport, operate in a highly complex and regulated market. The rules have worked well for community transport for over 30 years - &lsquo;benign ambiguity&rsquo; is perhaps the best way to describe their interpretation by both government and transport operators alike. In other words, &lsquo;don&rsquo;t ask or you might get the answer you don&rsquo;t want.&rsquo;&nbsp; This leaves the sector somewhat vulnerable to ill-informed civil servants asking those unwelcome questions and that's exactly what has happened. The answer has gone all the way to&nbsp;</span><a href="">PMQs at Westminster.</a></p>


Author: CTA

Message from CTA Chief Executive , Bill Freeman,  to community transport operators everywhere