Benefits of minority government
August 11, 2009
<p>Having a minority administration means that our SNP Government can take nothing for granted. Debates and arguments in the chamber become meaningful and compromise becomes part of decision making. It also strengthens the hand of the smaller parties. The Tories will be basking in the glow of the additional £60m they managed to negotiate from this year’s budget for town centre improvements. The first awards were announced last week. The full list makes for interesting reading</p>
Forty-eight Scottish towns will benefit from a share of millions of pounds of government cash to help revitalise their town centres and sustain jobs.
Nearly £40 million has been allocated in this round of funding out of the dedicated £60 million fund with applications invited for a £20 million second round to be shared out later this year.
It is estimated that the town centre projects will help support 640 jobs in Scotland.
Better retail, business, community and leisure facilities will be created, while many town centres will see public access and transport links improved. The funding will also kick start a number of town centre housing developments.
For a full list of who got what :