All Of Us First
December 18, 2013
<p>When 600 people come together to celebrate the launch a new logo, something more than just good design is at work. This particular new logo was not designed to promote a new product or fashion item but instead it was to represent a set of ideas – ideas that have been drawn together by the Jimmy Reid Foundation into something called the <a href="">Common Weal Project</a>. Perhaps because of their universality, these ideas have struck a chord with many parts of civic Scotland and work has now begun to flesh out how the common weal could be applied to Scottish life.</p> <p>18/12/13</p>
To see the new logo and website click here
The Common Weal held a launch party at The Arches, Glasgow on Sunday 8th December. Over 600 people came along to see the launch of the new Common Weal logo, designed by Glasgow based design agency Tangent. It is an image that represents a hope for a better society, it is an image to represent balance and it is designed to be able to live outside the realms of professional politics. Comedian Bruce Morton, singer Karine Polwart and actor Tam Dean Burn kept everyone entertained. Our new website was also launched on Sunday for Common Weal, based on the message ‘All of us First’. To see what popular politics might look like click here. We also launched a range of Common Weal t-shirts for sale, with inspiring slogans written by Alan Bisset, Liz Lochhead, Louise Welsh and James Robertson.