
A lasting legacy

June 12, 2019

<p>So, it&rsquo;s farewell to What Works Scotland. Its funding is up and a<a href=""> final newsletter </a>has dropped into the inbox of all its followers. Over the years this collective force field of academic energy has made quite an impact across many areas of inquiry. Making public services more effective may have been its central mission, but that broad remit gave them licence to stray into many other areas of civic interest &ndash; always adding value along the way. The contribution of the community sector became a particular focus and the work they produced will be useful for years to come.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>


Author: What Works Scotland

The community sector and its relevance to public service reform

The community sector, including community anchors, can have a key role to play in the development of public service reform in Scotland – partnering, leading and challenging. Here we outline why we think the community sector has that potential and prompt further reflections from others as to what that means in actual practice.

Contents of community section:

§  What is the community sector?

§  Building capacity and resilience

§  What does this mean for public services?

§  Our community sector inquiry

§  Related resources