1000 better stories
January 19, 2021
The stories we are told as children help to shape how we see ourselves and the world we grow up in. Some of these stories may be in books but others will be the stories we listen to, which describe how others experience the world around them. And gradually we synthesise all these narratives until we have our own stories that we tell about ourselves. Stories and storytelling play such an important but often understated part in shaping our culture. An important project from SCCAN aims to help our sector tell its many stories.
Author: Paul Bristow, SCCAN
A message from Paul Bristow SCCAN’s Story Weaver
“Something I’ve heard quite a few times since becoming SCCAN’s Story Weaver, is that people and projects can sometimes feel a little as if they are just plugging away, doing their best, hoping it makes a difference. And of course, it is making a difference – and viewed as part of a collective effort, there’s been so much distance travelled. Certainly, there is much more to be done, urgently – but we also need more people to understand that change is possible, to inspire new volunteers and projects. That’s the starting point for our new podcast series, 1000 Better Stories.
Over the coming months, we’ll be hearing from all sorts of groups and organisations, from folks involved in community land purchases through to rewilding programmes and outdoor learning. We want to give time and space to as many people as possible to showcase the cultural shifts that are already happening and to help build the momentum for more positive change. And we want to hear from you too.
In August, I ran an introductory story event, which suggested that we all have a responsibility to become storytellers, sharing what we have done with as many other people as possible, not just keeping it to ourselves. So I’m hoping to hear from many more people across the network who want to share their story of community led climate action. If you’re not sure how best to tell that story, then come along to one of our training events, or look out for the sessions we will be running later in the year.
In the meantime, please enjoy this first episode of the podcast, which features Belville Community Garden and RIG Arts, both from my home town of Greenock in Inverclyde.”
Please share your stories from your community! Please contact Stories@scottishcommunitiescan.org.uk