
The day the power went off

December 5, 2012

<p>It&rsquo;s estimated that 25,000 people in this country don&rsquo;t depend on the national grid for the supply of power to their homes.&nbsp;&nbsp; Living off-grid has become an increasingly attractive lifestyle choice for many people who are really serious about reducing their carbon footprint. But it&rsquo;s not for the faint hearted which is why, for most people, the dream of living the good life stays that way &ndash; and a distant one at that. But sometimes dreams can come true. Here&rsquo;s your chance</p> <p>5/12/12</p>


The Day the Power Went Off is a 1 hour television documentary for BBC Scotland.  We are looking for a street or small community of homes who are willing to live ‘off-grid’ for 2 weeks in the Spring of 2013.  ‘Off-grid’ means living without mains electricity and gas, and not using coal or oil.  But our community won’t be doing this without help.  
Everyone taking part will spend time in the lead up to The Day the Power Went Off learning how they’re going to adapt their homes and life-styles to cope with this new way of living.  With help from Eco experts Lucy Conway and Hugh Piggott, the householders will be encouraged to create their own power, and devise new ways to cook, stay warm, and get around.   In order to keep up their day-to-day life as much as possible, the houses will have to work together to achieve a low-energy lifestyle.  By following this project, the BBC viewers will also learn how to adapt their own homes to reduce their energy use and impact on the environment.  
We are looking for a street or small community north of Dundee, with a mix of people, such as a home already interested in a greener lifestyle, an average family who perhaps haven’t thought about how they might reduce their energy use before, a pensioner, etc.  Ideally there will be access to water or wind in the surrounding areas, to harness power and replace fossil fuels.
If you would like to hear more about this project, or know of any potential contributors who might like to take part, please contact Natalie Moss at BBC Scotland:  Tel:  0141 422 6342 /
Natalie Moss
The Day The Power Went Off
Zone 3.31, 40 Pacific Quay, Glasgow, G51 1DA
T:  0141 422 6342 / 07792 978 438