
Getting value from local woods

November 2, 2016

<p><span>Forestry is like any big business with the endless pursuit of efficiencies through scaled up production and processing plants. And it is this that has led to the tedious monoculture &ndash; mostly Sitka spruce &ndash; that we see covering so many of our hills. But as is happening across many other parts of the economy, different business models which value more than just pure profit are proving to be viable.&nbsp;</span><a href="">Forest Policy Group</a><span>&nbsp;work to develop new thinking and challenge the established dogmas that dominate modern forestry practices. Next week at an event in Birnam they will explore how to get real value from local woods.</span></p> <p class="MsoNormal">&nbsp;</p>


Author: Forest Policy Group

The Forest Policy Group is an independent thinktank dedicated to diversifying and strengthening Scotland’s forest industry. We believe that forestry could and should contribute much more to the economy than it presently does, particularly in rural areas and through small- to medium-scale enterprises.  It is important that it also becomes more resilient and sustainable.

We would love to see you at our groundbreaking event in Birnam, Dunkeld, on the 11th of November 2016. We will be exploring the social, economic an environmental values and benefits derived from local, small scale woodland ownership and management, as well as forest enterprises and business.

We’ll be showcasing a number of inspiring examples of local control of woodlands yielding a wide range of extra benefits for the local area, way beyond what most public or private sector management tends to provide.  The aim is to inspire and encourage local initiatives, and identify policy measures which a government interested in communities could implement to help this movement along.  From creating a firewood enterprise, to using timber sales to finance a wide range of community assets and activities, to offering woodland activities as a therapy for those with physical and mental health issues, to sourcing high quality niche timber for beautiful furniture manufacture. And lots more…

We will hear from people and groups who have been doing good things and share their experiences; what has worked and what has not worked – and what can we learn. And to ask the question, what changes in policy will assist these new approaches to forestry?

All welcome. More information on the programme here.

To register click here