
COP opportunities

August 3, 2021

Notwithstanding the fact that Glasgow’s weather in mid-November is unlikely to be conducive to outdoors demonstrations, thousands from all over the UK, Europe and the global south will be converging on Glasgow for what is being described as the most significant set of climate negotiations ever held. Anyone who has attended a previous COP will tell you that these are intense affairs, and while most people never get near the actual negotiations, there is always a huge programme of climate related debate, discussion and protest activity. And there are many ways to get involved, even without coming to Glasgow.


How to get involved in COP26

  1. Take Part in an Event

There are hundreds of events happening between now and COP26 and we are bringing them together on the Climate Fringe website. Have a browse, and get involved.  If you, or a group you are in, wish to organise an event you are welcome to become part of the Climate Fringe – upload your event and download a logo.

Find and event

  1. Become Part of Climate Fringe Week

Each year at the end of September international leaders from business, government and civil society meet in New York for talks ahead of COP. This is a vital time to influence decision making, and the Climate Fringe will be encouraging organisations across Scotland to run activities, events and actions during the week of 18-26 September.  This also coincides with Great Big Green Week in England and Wales.  

More info

  1. Host an Activist in your home.

At any COP climate conference, affordable accommodation in the city is scarce and very expensive. This is a huge obstacle for groups with less resources, for example those from Global South countries and young people.

The COP26 Homestay Network is a platform where those with a spare room or a sofa-bed within a commute of Glasgow can offer a place to stay for climate campaigners during COP.  It’s an amazing opportunity to have  direct link to COP while giving a genuine Scottish welcome to visitors.

Sign up & find out more!

  1. Contribute to the COP26 Glasgow Green Map

We are bringing together an open-source online map of community resources and sustainable and locally run businesses. We want to help COP delegates and activists find local, independent and sustainable places to eat, shops and visit that bring value into local communities and give a warm welcome to our city.

 Add to the Green Map

  1. Involve your local community hall or faith space

SCCS and UK COP26 Coalition are creating a network of local venues  close to Glasgow that can support global civil society needs during COP and connect their communities to what is happening at COP.  If you are involved with a community hall, place of worship, non-profit co-working space, or even if you just have a spare meeting room, we want to connect you in to the network. 

More info

  1. Volunteer in the Civil Society Spaces during COP26

The climate justice movement needs your help in Glasgow this November. The COP26 Coalition and Stop Climate Chaos Scotland are inviting you to be part of a team of volunteers supporting our work at the People’s Summit, Mass Mobilisation and Civil Society Hubs in Glasgow and online. We have a variety of roles available.


Make sure to apply by 13 August. You don’t need any particular skills or experiences, but you must be over 18 to volunteer. If you have any questions, email

Find out more & apply!

  1. Bring COP26 to Your Community

We will be live streaming all sorts of content live from COP26 onto the Climate Fringe website and we are inviting communities to create mini COP events in their local venue to mix international events live, with discussing the things that matter to you.

Find out more

  1. Help with Civil Society Organising for COP26

Stop Climate Chaos Scotland are working in partnership with the UK COP26 Coalition to bring together facilities and support for global civil society during COP26. This is being done through various working groups.

Join a working group

  1. Support Global South activists getting to COP26

Those on the frontline of the climate crisis will face many obstacles even getting to Glasgow, including navigating the UK Home Office’s immigration system to obtain a visit visa.

It is of paramount importance that these people are at the centre of climate negotiations, and so the COP26 Coalition is fundraising to help this cause.

Please donate what you can through the Visa Support Crowdfunder.


and finally ….

The Climate Fringe is powered by Stop Climate Chaos Scotland, a coalition of over 60 civil society organisations campaigning together on climate issues for more than a decade. Our members are community groups, NGOs and charities, faith groups, student groups and trade unions and we welcome new members.  If your civil society organisation is interested in joining us you can see our campaign priorities for COP26 here and find out more about SCCS here.

This webpage from Creative Carbon Scotland gives a great overview of COP26 and the best ways of preparing and making plans.