
Comrie go for zero waste

November 18, 2009

<p>We all recycle waste these days.&nbsp; Our councils provide the bins and we separate out the glass, tins, cardboard and paper.&nbsp; Some parts of the country are better than others, but we still create a ridiculous amount of waste that goes straight to landfill. One community has decided on a more radical approach by embarking on a Zero Waste fortnight.</p>


Residents in Comrie yesterday pledged to dramatically reduce the amount of general waste they throw out as the village launched its Zero Waste Fortnight.

The campaign, which will run until Thursday, November 26, is the first to be held in Scotland and is aimed at encouraging householders to reduce, reuse and recycle more materials, more often.

Attending the launch at the Comrie Boulevard was Perth and Kinross Council’s environment convener Councillor Alan Grant, pupils from Comrie Primary School and members of the Comrie Development Trust.

Members of the public were also welcomed along to have a look at the selection of banners advertising ways of reducing, reusing and recycling waste.

Residents within the Comrie Parish boundary are being encouraged to sign up and pledge their support to the Zero Waste campaign, either by visiting the CDT office or Comrie Library, or sign up online at